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Projects for the upcoming Camp Smalltalk 2 are listed on a new page. The Projects listed below are from Camp Smalltalk 1.

Here is a list of current projects. We might do more. Projects should not be specific to a particular version of Smalltalk, but should be helpful for all versions. We want to be successful, so they should be possible to complete in a week.

Here is the current list. (I think it's useful if we put pointers to where to find the source directly beside each project).

And here are some potential projects:

Moved off the list of being actively considered, mostly because they are folded into some other project or mostly done already.

And here is an effort to collate and catalog smalltalk memorabilia (Books, Newsletters, Magazines, Conference Presentations, Newsgroup Archives, T-Shirts, etc.)

When a potential project gets both an organizer and another member, move it to the first list. (Hint: if you think a project is important, sign up!)

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