
AllucquĂŠre Rosanne (Sandy) Stone

The format of the performance has changed slightly. I now sit on a stool, preferably a black stool, with a black-draped table about 36 cm square to my right and just tall enough for me to be able to read from my notebook which I place on the table. There should also be a pitcher of water and a glass on the table, or a water bottle. I use a hand-held wireless microphone only, unless you want me to do the masturbation piece with the yellow glove, in which case I need both a hand-held wireless and a clip-on wireless. The stage aera should be all black-- black curtain or drape behind me, black stool, black-draped table. (One venue painted the stage floor black too.) I can't tell you at this time whether there should be a projection screen and a slide projector, because my slides were stolen about a year ago and I haven't been able to replace them yet.)

The lighting covers two areas: the stool is one area, and the entire downstage from left to right is another. These must be separately dimmable. The lighting on both areas consists of equal numbers of flesh-gelled and ungelled lights in front of the stage (i.e., on pipes over the audience), either elliptical or fresnel; and backlighting consisting of equal numbers of deep blue-gelled and ungelled lights the same type as the front lights. I can send you photos of what the lighting looks like on me.

Most of the time the lighting is on the stool only, but for the song at the end we use the downstage wash, which consists of more flesh and ungelled lights covering the entire downstage area at full stage width.

I use a CD with five music cues. These are controlled by your sound person in response to my cue. This requires a sound rehearsal to be sure the sound person is familiar with the cue points.

I don't know what to call these performances; I'm working on it. Suggestions?

Will the audience understand colloquial american english?

Mednarodni računalniški festival, Maribor

The International Festival of Computer Arts, Maribor, Slovenia

V organizaciji Mladinskega kulturnega centra - MKC - Maribor

Organized by MKC (The Youth Cultural Center), Maribor

In v sodelovanju/In collaboration with

Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor/Slovenian National Theater, Maribor

Galerija/Gallery Kapelica, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Multimedijalni institut - Zagreb, Hrvaška/Croatia

Goethe-Institut Zagreb, Hrvaška/Croatia


Monodramski "performans-teorijo" o tehnologiji, telesu in poželenju

A One-person "theoryperformance" on technology, body, and desire


Allucquére Rosanne (Sandy) Stone (ZDA/ USA)

Allucquére Rosanne Stone je izredna profesorica in ustanoviteljica, ter hkrati direktorica programa Advanced Communication Technologies Laboratory (ACTLab) /Laboratorij za napredne komunikacijske tehnologije na Univerzi v Austinu, Texas, in tudi soustanoviteljica programa UT Convergent Media. Ima status zaslužne umetnica na Banff Centre for the Arts, profesuro pri Wolfgangu Kohlerju na katedri za nove medije in performans na European Graduate School EGS in je članica UCI Humanities Research Institute. Pod psevdonimom Sandy Stone je izdala razpravo Imperija vrača udarec: Post-transseksualni manifest, ki je postala temeljno delo za področje transspolnih študij. Njena knjiiga Vojna med poželenjem in tehnologijo na koncu mehanične dobe je bila do sedaj prevedena že v deset jezikov. Je tudi avtorica številnih akademskih in popularnih del, kakor tudi leposlovja in znanstvene fantastike, digitalnih in analognih umetnin, filmov, videov, zvočnih pokrajin in performansov. S svojimi lastnimi performansi je svetovno znana gostja univerz in kulturnih centrov in na ta način povezuje zabavo s teorijo. S soprogom Jeffrijem Prothero in mačko poimenovano /dev/cat živi v Austinu (Texas, ZDA), Santa Cruzu (Kalifornija,ZDA) in Saas-Feeju (Wallis, Švica).

Allucquére Rosanne Stone is associate professor and founding director of the Advanced Communication Technologies Laboratory (ACTLab) program at the University of Texas at Austin, and co-founder of the UT Convergent Media program. She is a senior artist at the Banff Centre for the Arts; Wolfgang Kohler professor of new media and performance at the European Graduate School EGS; and a UCI Humanities Research Institute fellow. As Sandy Stone, her paper The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto was a foundational text for the discipline of Transgender Studies. Her book The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age has been translated into ten languages. She is the author of numerous academic and popular publications as well as fiction and science fiction, digital and analog artworks, films, videos, soundscapes, and performances, and she tours regularly with her own performance works that combine entertainment with theory. She, her husband Jeffrey Prothero, and their cat /dev/cat, live in Austin (Texas, US), Santa Cruz (California, US), and Saas-Fee (Wallis, Switzerland).

PROGRAM /Time table

Sreda, 28. 05. 2003, ob 20.00

Wednesday, May, 28, 2003, at 20.00

Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor

The Slovenian National Theater, Maribor

Petek, 30. 05. 2003, ob 20.00

Friday, May, 30, 2003, at 20.00

Galerija/Gallery Kapelica, Ljubljana

Address: Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana

Sobota 31. 05. 2003, ob 20.00

Saturday, May, 31, 2003, at 20.00

Goethe-Institut Zagreb, Hrvaška/Croatia

Address: Ul. grada Vukovara 64, Zagreb

Predlog programa/Concept:

Marina Gržinić, Ljubljana & MKC, Maribor Organizacija/Organizers:

MKC, Maribor (Dragica Marinič, Jože Slaček)

Galerija Kapelica, Ljubljana (Jurij Krpan, Sandra Sajovic) Multimedijalni institut - Zagreb, Hrvaška Goethe-Institut Zagreb, Hrvaška (dr. Rudolf Bartsch)

Foto/photo: Allucquére Rosanne Stone


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