

computers "gumsticks"

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// Specify the way to modify my pattern when I receive another pattern
void combinePats(int rcvdPattern)
    //g_MyPattern ^=  rcvdPattern;       // bitwise XOR (~add) the patterns
    return combinePats_GiftEconomy(rcvdPattern);
    //return combinePats_InfoCommons(rcvdPattern);
    //return combinePats_InfoNeighborhood(rcvdPattern);
} // combinePats()

void combinePats_GiftEconomy(int rcvdPattern)
    g_MyPattern = rcvdPattern;         // adopt the pattern you just received, no matter what
    g_CurrentEnergyLevel += g_EnergyGainPerMsgAffectedBy;
} // combinePats_GiftEconomy()

void combinePats_InfoCommons(int rcvdPattern)
    if(g_MyPattern != rcvdPattern)
        g_MyPattern = rcvdPattern;     // adopt the pattern you just received, unless you already hold it
        g_CurrentEnergyLevel += g_EnergyGainPerMsgAffectedBy;
} // combinePats_InfoCommons()

// Only be affected by a pattern that I've not held in the last N changes.
void combinePats_InfoNeighborhood(int rcvdPattern)
    static const int neighborhoodSize = 4;
    static int lastOne = 0;
    static int numPats = 0;
    static int recentlySeen[neighborhoodSize];

    int p = 0;
    while(p < numPats  &&  p < neighborhoodSize  &&  recentlySeen[p++] != rcvdPattern);
    if (p == neighborhoodSize  ||  p == numPats)   // if rcvdPattern not found in recent list
        g_MyPattern = rcvdPattern;      
        g_CurrentEnergyLevel += g_EnergyGainPerMsgAffectedBy;

    recentlySeen[lastOne++] = rcvdPattern;
    lastOne %= neighborhoodSize;       // wrap around
} // combinePats_InfoCommons()


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