
Project Budget

Under Expenses, please estimate all items based on the cost of living in the
host city. Beyond the Fellow's living expenses, eligible project costs might
include your organizations administrative
expenses, publicity for any planned outreach activities, artists' materials,
supplies such as books/CDs, film, equipment, pocket money for incidentals
(magazines, newspapers, etc.), tickets
to attend performances, museum admissions, local transport or car rental. Do
not include coast
of the Fellow's travel to your city, as ArtLink covers these cost directly.

Project Resources
(Asterisk funds that anticipated but not yet received)

Grants (specify) None.                   $ 0.00

Revenue (specify) None                    0.00

In-kind donations (specify):

*The THING's infrastructure, network and systems administration support 36
days : $4,000

Other (specify): None

Total Resources: $4000.00          In-kind donations from the THING.

Projects Expenses:
(Please indicate with asterisks where in-kind resources will be used)

Per Diem (include meals & pocket money) 36days            $1,200

Lodging                                                        35nights

Stipend to Fellow

*Administrative Expenses (specify)

Publicity about the Fellowship, hosting two gatherings, one at the start and
one at the end of the hosting period, at the THING to present the Fellow and
the Fellow's history and projects to The THING community and other New Media
communities. Special bandwidth needs, software, technology, and most
importantly System Administration request that the Fellow may need beyond
what THING.Lab has already established.

Other Expenses (specify)
Shipping, materials, press passes and local travel.

Total Expenses: $9,500.00 minus 4000.00

Amount Requested (Total Expenses minus Total Resources)    $ 5,500

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