
Micz Flor is media developer and training consultant at the Center for Advanced Media - Prague, where he initialised Campware. Over the past years he has been working with independent media institutions in the south-east of Europe as well as Asia. Besides his work in consultancy, training and development, Flor has been organising a series of cultural events and symposia, most recently the exhibition One Bit Louder in Liverpool, MoneyNations2 in Vienna and Flashlights at the Pandaemonium Biennial of Moving Images, London. On the side he attempts to foster the 7"/online label SueMi.

In early 1999 Flor worked as content developer for Public Netbase Vienna, where he also co-edited the web/print publication 'period after' concerned with the independent media development in FRY. In 1998, living in the UK he founded and co-edited the online/tabloid publication Crash Media and has been working in the gravitational environment of Mute magazine. Living in Manchester from 1998 to '99, he initialised the structure and architecture of the independent cultural server Yourserver. Flor was involved in the organisation of the Hybrid WorkSpace, a collaboration between documenta x and the Berlin Biennial, 1997 in Kassel. In 1998 he organised the temporary media lab 'Revolting' in Manchester.

Before moving to the UK, he set up Berlin's content provider art-bag.net and since then has contributed to and worked with Berlin's net.radio programme convex tv. In 1996 he developed the web art project CyberTattoo in collaboration with Florian Clauß, which received the first German Net.Art award of the Hamburger Kunsthalle in 1997. In 1998 Flor received the Multimedia Preis der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart together with Crash Media co-editor Josephine Berry. Until February 1999 Flor had been teaching at Salford University, UK and working for the Collaboration Programme in Liverpool.

16Jun2001 http://mi.cz micz@mi.cz

Micz's presentation of LICNA project

PRESENTING CD-R labels "I have 4 7inch vinyl records out now. we should do a egoboobits suemi *togetherness* project. but may is too soon. i would be happy to present it"

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