
The sonic spaces which Jelinek concocts in 'Loop Finding Jazz Records' are inflected by the visual technique of Moire as recognized in the perspective- scrambling, rippling Op-art of, for example, Bridget Riley (see image right). But as Jelinek describes it, "the Moire effect is also a result of following the classic rules of perspective. It's like an undesired effect of arithmetic, unavoidable, like noise into the sonic. A Moire effect does not really create a 3 dimensional space, it creates a graphical glimmer. But I also think that glimmering has an dimensional-aspect, maybe the idea of a hypereal 3 dimensional space, a moveable space. So glimmering is mobility as well."

sonicni (zvucni) prostori koji jelinek zakuhava u 'Loop Finding Jazz Records' modulirani su Moireovom vizualnom tehnikom kakvu prepozanjemo u oscilirajuęem/valovitom mije^Śanju perspektiva Op-arta npr. Bridget Riley (slika desno). Jelinek to opisuje kao " Moire efekt je takošer i rezultat klasičnih pravila perspektive. To je nepo^Željni rezultat aritmetike, neizbje^Žan, kao buka unutar zvuka. Moire effect ne stvara pravi 3D prostor, veę grafički bljesak. No smatram da ljeskanje takošr mozhe imati prostorni aspekt, mo^Žda ideju 3D prostora, pokretnog prostora. Ljeskanje je takošer pokretnost."

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