- GenArtLab =(design/theory/application) to be conducted in Zagreb, October 2002
- GenArtSoftware =(format/player/authoring) to be conducted on-line through 2002-2003
- GenArtSpace =(public/audience/media) to be conducted in 2003 with URBAN FESTIVAL
In the line of annual exhibitions of computer art organised by Multimedia Institute and HDLU (Croatian Visual Artists Association), I'm still alive (2000) and Re:CON(2001), GenArt is next to follow.
May 1nd-7nd, in Dome of HDLU (ex-mosque), exhibition will feature a number of projects whose focus is generating artistic forms in different media (from web to interactive sound installations). Aside from exhibition oppening event at the gallery lectures and presentations will be organised. Prizes will be awarded to the GenerativeSoftwareAward projects.
During exhibition (6-8th of May) a GenArtWorkshop on the subject of generative art (with focus on softwares like PD) will be organised in order to inform local enthusiasts(students and young artists) of the esthatical/technological issues involved.
Initial part of exhibition GenArt will feature major artists and projects like:
- web of life in Zagreb international multimedia web installation project by ZKM (Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie) from Karlsruhe in Germany, which is to be featured for the first time outside Germany in Zagreb HDLU
- work of Brian Eno(UK) "Generative Paintings" & Douglas Irving Repetto(US) "Disc-o" are being presented at Karas Gallery space during the 7 days of NewMediaCultureWeek.
During the exhibition weekend a guided tour will be provided for schools and youth from 12pm untill 16pm in both HDLU and Karas Gallery.
Second part of exhibition will include participation of
- Codelab-Berlin (DE), Tim Cole (UK), Farmers Manual's Nik Gaffney (NZ/DE), Luigi Pagliarini (IT), Vedran Vučić (YU), Christoph Kummerer (AT), Patrick Lichty (US), Andrei Savitsky (BL) and young artists from Croatia will be featured in the exhibition.
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popis svih razlicitih smjerova/projekata koji ce se pojaviti na izlozbi (podijela je gruba i tehnoloska, a ne konceptualna).
- generativna muzika zasnovana na Koan sistemu
- generativne zvucne instalacije zasnovane na PDu
- interaktivni samogenerirajuci enviromenti
- grafika producirana "inteligentnim procesingom"
- multimedijska interaktivna izdanja koja imaju generativnu prirodu (interakcija nije ogranicena na predodredjene opcije)
- Jamood iz Loop-Gurua
- GrayWorld
- SimonBigs (?)
- Andrew Garton: Installation artist
- codelab-berlin.de
- Carnivore via Rhizome
- NetockaNezvanova(?)
- WebProjekti(Koan uglavnom) predstavljeni na terminalima/websietu +dokumentacija
- RhizomeLogoDesign
- FontEkipa
- CIV (procitati ponov ENOv essej + Linkove od Maje)