
_______non interactive/analogue version

4 chanell video 
- 4 synced VHSplayers
- single headphones 
- TVsets/monitors of the same kind 
	- with internal speakers which mute once headphones are 
	- with external sound system that has 4 jackes for heaphones

Material is synced to questions which show up as stills before answers.
Video starts with "styled" faces and mutes to everyday look.

single screen/projection with mapped audio
while data is flowing around in boxes 
(Brain-like Interface in Flash+Sorenson?/Quicktime+Flash)

1     2         3     4
L       stereo        R

volume meters
      L     R
1     ||||  |
2     |||   ||
3     ||    |||
4     |     ||||

   1       |     2
    3      |     4

OnMouse moves volume adjusts accordingly so 
to hear 1 (little 2/3/4) you go to Max Left
to hear 2 (little 1/3/4) you go to Mid Lext 
to hear 3 (little 1/2/4) you go to Mid Right 
to hear 1 (little 1/2/3) you go to Max Right

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